Council and Board
The Riga Latvian Societys Council is a decision-making structure in between General Meetings of the members.
The Council:
Elects the RLS Chairman, Vice-chairman and RLS Board;
Calls General Meetings of the members and brings forward the questions for discussions;
Organizes the implementing of the aims written in the statutes and the fulfilment of General Meetings decisions.
The RLS Council consists of 36 members. The council is elected by the General Meeting of the members. The time of powers of the Councils member is 3 years.
The Riga Latvian Society Councils members Jānis BriedisAnita Feldmane Ilze BūmaneNormunds Dreģis Valdis GavarsIlva DuļevskaDace PaegleGuntis Gailītis - RLS ChairmanGaida JablovskaSkaidrīte NaumovaStella LīpīteEdgars MucenieksKarina PētersoneJānis Atis Krūmiņš Gunta Bērziņa Margita PorieteMargarita ŽelveErnests Spīčs Jānis VidriķisPēteris Vilkaste Mairita SolimaMarija Heislere- CelmaTeiksma ZvejnieceMāris Lasmanis Anita GrūbeDagnija DreikaAija SidorovaMirdza StirnaVija DzintareMārīte ŠenbergaLita BeirisIna Inta Liniņa-OzoliņaSarma OzolaValdis IvaņinoksRūta Cipija
The Riga Latvian Societys Board ensures the implementing of the aims written in the statutes and the fulfilment of the General Meetings and Councils decisions, and is responsible for the RLS economic activities. The RLS Board has 7 members, including the RLS chairman and vice-chairman. The Board is elected to 3 years.
The Riga Latvian Society Boards members
Guntis Gailītis RLS Chairman
Gaida Jablovska
Marija Heislere-Celma
Jānis Briedis
Skaidrīte Naumova
Normunds Dreģis