Council and Board

The Riga Latvian Society’s Council is a decision-making structure in between General Meetings of the members.

The Council:

The RLS Council consists of 36 members. The council is elected by the General Meeting of the members. The time of powers of the Council’s member is 3 years.

The Riga Latvian Society Council’s members
Jānis Briedis
Anita Feldmane 
Ilze Būmane
Normunds Dreģis 
Valdis Gavars
Ilva Duļevska
Dace Paegle
Guntis Gailītis - RLS Chairman
Gaida Jablovska
Skaidrīte Naumova
Stella Līpīte
Edgars Mucenieks
Karina Pētersone
Jānis Atis Krūmiņš 
Gunta Bērziņa 
Margita Poriete
Margarita Želve
Ernests Spīčs 
Jānis Vidriķis
Pēteris Vilkaste 
Mairita Solima
Marija Heislere- Celma
Teiksma Zvejniece
Māris Lasmanis 
Anita Grūbe
Dagnija Dreika
Aija Sidorova
Mirdza Stirna
Vija Dzintare
Mārīte Šenberga
Lita Beiris
Ina Inta Liniņa-Ozoliņa
Sarma Ozola
Valdis Ivaņinoks
Rūta Cipija 

The Riga Latvian Society’s Board ensures the implementing of the aims written in the statutes and the fulfilment of the General Meeting’s and Council’s decisions, and is responsible for the RLS economic activities. The RLS Board has 7 members, including the RLS chairman and vice-chairman. The Board is elected to 3 years.  

The Riga Latvian Society Board’s members
Guntis Gailītis – RLS Chairman
Gaida Jablovska
Marija Heislere-Celma 
Jānis Briedis
Skaidrīte Naumova

Normunds Dreģis