Additional services of the Riga Latvian Society premises` rent

The luxurious, historic building and the professional specialists, who have large experience in organizing different kinds of events, invite you to become our clients and collaboration partners.

In addition the Riga Latvian Society offers: organizing of interpreting, catering services, organizing of coffee brakes and banquets, music and concert programmes, flower decoration services, security officers and many other things for the successful events.

Moving lights
      - Robe Colour Sport – 250

Multimedia projector
      - Wattage – 300 W
      - Brightness – 3500 lum
      - Contrast ratio – 2000:1
      - Resolving power – 1024 x 768
      - Ink colours – 16 million

RLS requisite rent
      - (chairs, speech console, easels, flags, platforms, etc.)



Dace Paegle  - Cultural project manager
T.: + 371 67226924
Mob.: + 371 29520251

Nora Gavare - Cultural project manager 

Tālr: + 371 67226924 + 371 29601241

E-pasts: nora.gavare@